You don't buy it either???? Alas, it is not me...but what I would GIVE to A: be that flexible and B: to be that thin....sigh.... Sorry all, I had to take advantage of the fact that her face was covered and try to pass this off as myself. :0)
Yes, it is my sweet Sienna! Are these not the coolest shots?! She wanted me to try and take some pics of her dancing, so we braved the cold weather (don't let the photo fool was FREEZING!) and headed out into the backyard. I just loved the cool shots we were able to get! I am definitely a very PROUD mama!
I hope that when I die and go to heaven I will have the flexibility that I was not given on this earth life....sigh.....if only for a day. Until this happens I shall live vicariously through my beautiful daughter.
It's a cruel world!!!! I swear god gives all the flexible genes to the same people and forgot about the rest of us!!! I have to say I am SUPER IMPRESSED! The pics are BEAUTIFUL!
She is so amazing Jenn, holy cow those legs. I'm WAY impressed, tell her she's absolutely beautiful
simply amazing!
Stupid I know, but I have always wanted to do the splits and have never been able to. Envious for life-she is amazing!
Those are RAD! RAD RAD!!!! Go Sienna bug....yeah, I know, I knew her when she could only sit she is leaping like I never could! I TOTALLY hear you with is SO not fair. It is like someone who can sing AMAZING who hates it. I WANT to be gumby and can hardly strattle. Boo. Anyway....have you ever seen picture cut outs? Our dance studio here has AMAZING action shots of students here and they have some company here or online blow them up (then it is like a wall decal). Only Sienna would be cut out (no background). Anyway. She is amazing. WOW. Nice shots and GOOD timing! WOW. How did she grow up so fast? I wish our studios growing up weren't so cutsie tootsie and WORKED the technique like they expect and drill now. It is amazing what kids can do so soon!
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