TWILIGHT!!!! I can hardly believe that I have yet to post anything about such an anticipated event! It was so anticipated that I had a Twilight party with some of my friends from my ward. We played 'Twilight Jeopardy' and ate food and then of course we all went to see the movie. We had such a great time! As for the movie....I really liked it. I did like it better the second time that I saw it, but the first time was just fun. It was fun being in an audience full of starry eyed people that cheered when Edward first came on screen. It was a blast!
Thanksgiving is here! It is a family tradition from when I was little to make our Thanksgiving turkeys that we use as place card holders...they are so cute and fun to make. My girls really look forward to making them each year. Aren't they darling?! We enjoyed the day with my family (there was about 40 of us) at my Gma's house.
After Thanksgiving dinner my girls entertained the group with a skit that they put together with music from 'Into the woods'. Sienna sewed little costumes for each of the kids (way cute!) and they sang and danced their little guts out. At the last minute Tae got stage fright and hid behind the couch and cried...sigh.....
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..... The day after Thanksgiving I put up Christmas! Just had to share a few pictures from our decorated home.
It's dance recital time! The girls each got to perform at their studio's Christmas concert. Sienna DID NOT want to get her picture taken in her outfit...hence the look on her face! I also added a video of Sienna's dance, she is the one in the pink top.
Our neighbor invited us, and another family, to dinner after church on the 14th. We enjoyed a lovely meal and then all of the kids re-enacted the Nativity. Sienna was too crazy about doing this, but she did agree to be the donkey.
My dad really wanted to take all the grand kids up to see the lights at Temple square, so we decided to take Tracks up downtown and then walked around Temple square. After that we made our traditional journey to Crown Burger for dinner. My dad loves that place! It was a very fun, but chilly, evening!
Sienna says goodbye to her teacher. Sienna's teacher Mrs. Mabry is moving back east because her husband got a job back there. She will miss her teacher so much, she really loved her.
Christmas is here at last! Did it seem like Christmas just zoomed by??? We had a great Christmas day. All of my family came to our house for brunch, which was nice not to have to drive anywhere, especially since it was snowing like crazy! Santa SPOILED the kids this year! Ana got a kitchen set, Tae got a huge Barbie house, Faze got a train table and basketball hoop and Sienna got a sewing machine. This year I really tried to be creative with gifts that I gave the kids and I tried to make them things. I made Ana, Sienna and my mom an apron that turned out DARLING! I also made the girls a TON of hair clips for them to wear in their hair, which also turned out awesome. Chris made my dad a huge jar of his specialty....'pico de Chris', which is one of my dad's favorites. The girls help make some clips for their friends as well, a great idea for anyone looking for an easy and inexpensive gift idea for little girls. Later that night we went to my brothers house to play was a very relaxing and fun Christmas day!

A video of the kids when they first came into the room on Christmas morning.
PHEW! I think that I am all caught up now!