Can you believe that I have a child old enough to attend girls camp?!!! Yep, it is true. Sienna spent all last week at girls camp in our new ward. I was crossing my fingers that this would be a positive experience for her and that she would make friendships and guess what? SHE DID! This ward has welcomed her with open arms and she says that the girls in this ward are MUCH nicer than our last ward....thank heavens! I really missed her while she was gone, it just isn't the same without her in our home. I have to admit I was a bit jealous that she got to go...I LOVE going to girls camp!

A group shot of our ward

I asked Sienna about this pic and she said that they had just been 'snipe' hunting.
LOL remember doing that your first year at camp? They told the girls that they had to put toothpaste on their faces cause snipes hated the minty taste.
LOL so funny!
They got to camp up at
Heber Valley, IN CABINS! Lucky ducks!!!
Guess who might be going to girls camp this year???!!! Its not official but I maybe the assistant camp director! Right! Only the best calling ever! I miss you! when are we going to get together?
I love girls camp too! I love their shirts. did they make them themselves? How? Amazing!
You're not old enough to have a daughter who is in young woman's. Wow, that is awesome. I love girls camp. I am actually in Y.W. as well. I am over the Beehives. So, Sienna would have been one of my beehives if you were in my ward. :o) I unfortunately missed girls camp this year. We were in Florida, it was a TOUGH decision, but somehow Florida beat out Y.W. Camp! Darn! I guess there's always next year! Glad she had fun.
Awesome- there's now way i'm going snipe hunting. Yuck!
I can't believe she is old enough to go to camp. It is like a mini-you. ;) Sure missing you lately.
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