Today we returned home from a five day trip down to St. George. We went down there because my cousin got married and because they asked me to make their wedding cake. I was excited but nervous to make my first wedding cake. The design that they wanted was easy enough and fun to do, they challenging part was keeping it from melting! The reception was outside in 102* weather!

The bride and groom cutting the cake

The final product.... the wedding colors were bright pink, green, orange,
turquoise and yellow. A ton of colors, but so fun.
Definitely not your traditional wedding cake!
The worst part of the trip was that Chris wasn't able to come with us...he had a
business trip that same weekend so I had to make the trip alone with the kids. We spent a few days at my Aunt's house and then went to a hotel, which had a great pool for us to cool off in. Another downer was on the first night we took the kids to a really fun park that was located next to some water....which brought on the
mosquitoes! My legs were ATTACKED, I counted eight bites. So the rest of the trip I was
scratchin something fierce!!

The girls had fun taking pictures of themselves at the wedding reception.
Such a cutie!
After returning home with a car full of fighting, crying and screaming kids I need a VACATION! Just me, my hubby, a beach and a book!